About us

About Beautiful Choices

ABCs - Artistry, Beauty, and Craftsmanship flourishing in a locale.

I consistently opt for handmade items over machine-produced ones whenever choices permit. Whether it's a lovingly prepared homemade meal over commercially packaged food or custom-designed, locally crafted dresses over mass-produced, machine-made designs, true uniqueness and beauty emerge when something is created entirely by hand.
That led me to the concept of making these creations accessible to everyone, not just as a display of artistry and craftsmanship but also as a reflection of genuine beauty. Beauty isn't merely an external attribute; it emanates from within and reveals itself outwardly. By choosing handmade items, we not only endorse and preserve talent but also provide a livelihood for talented artists in need of support.

Our Story

Beautiful Choices was born out of a love for Christmas and a desire to create something special that would bring joy to others. We started by designing and making earrings for ourselves and our friends, and soon realized that we had a talent for creating pieces that were both stylish and affordable.

Our Mission

At Beautiful Choices, our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality beaded fashion accessories  at the most affordable prices. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the beauty of handcrafted jewelry, and we are committed to making our products accessible to everyone.

Our Values

Quality: We use only the finest materials and craftsmanship to create our earrings.

Creativity: We are constantly designing new and innovative earrings to keep our collection fresh and exciting.

Affordability: We believe that everyone should be able to afford beautiful jewelry, so we offer our earrings at competitive prices.

Customer satisfaction: We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible shopping experience.